Career Reality

What’s the catch? Is BSH too good to be true? Who will be the most successful?

BSH practices what it preaches. There is no “Catch” on our end, the “Catch” is based on YOU.

Everyone will not be able to generate the income BSH Associates in our Preset Appointment Exclusive Territory Division (ETPAD) earn. If everyone was successful, there would be no failures! But, for the RIGHT PERSON, what we do it not hard. Once an associate learns our sales system following exactly the way they are trained, success with BSH is amazingly easy!

Want to know the backgrounds of those individuals with the highest immediate success rates in our Division of BSH? Click here.

Still have questions? Click the links below.

Is the ETPAD division of Buffett right for you? Ask yourself these questions:

An ideal applicant for an exclusive territory preset appointment position with Buffett Senior Healthcare will answer the above questions with a resounding YES!

Additional Questions:

“BSH positions are granted to those that have the courage to step out of their comfort zone, to bet on their vision, to take the calculated risk, and to act”

– BSH Upper Management

“Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” - Jack Welch
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